EIA 2025 National Conference & Exhibition Speakers

We can't wait to welcome you to Jacksonville. Check out the speakers for the only meeting you need to attend all year!
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Registration Opens
12:00pm - 3:00pm
EIA Board Meeting
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Sunday, March 9, 2025
EIA Presentation Skills
8:30am - 12:30pm
Renee Rubner, MA (Ed.), Greenville Technical College & Andre Zwanenburg, The Asbestos Institute
The ability to effectively give a compelling presentation or training session, including visuals, does not come naturally or happen by accident. Too often, we unknowingly rely on the same poor practices for years without learning the skills to engage an audience and communicate our valuable knowledge effectively. The best technical information goes to waste in a weak presentation. This program is an excellent opportunity to hone your presentation skills from some of the industry's best trainers and most experienced presenters. Whether you are new to public speaking or have been presenting for years, this is a must-attend. We encourage ALL EIA presenters to participate, and welcome everyone, members, non-members, and ABRA members, as part of your full conference registration.
EIA Sunset Serenade Cruise!
Join your EIA pals at to enjoy an outing to see the sites of one of the most beautiful cities in the US…by boat! Set sail with your EIA friends Sunday afternoon for this unbeatable journey around the Jacksonville waterways! Space is limited! For additional information, to register, or if you wish to sponsor the event, please contact the Environmental Information Association at 888-343-4342 or info@eia-usa.org. Tickets are $125 and include sailing, food, & beverages!
Monday, March 10, 2025
EIA Annual Meeting & Opening General Session
This session is open to all conference attendees! The schedule for this session includes the introduction of EIA governance, a short presentation by EIA Managing Director J. Brent Kynoch, EIA President Amanda McKenney, and EIA 2025 Conference Chairs Kevin Hutton, Stuart Hicks, and Tom Laubenthal. This session also features the presentation of the 2025 Jack Snider Jr. Award and the EIA 2025 keynote address and book signing by Captain Sandy Yawn, who you might recognize from Bravo's Below Deck series.
Vendor Introductions and Giveaways in the Exhibit Hall – Open to All!
Join us in the Exhibit Hall to meet the Exhibitors of EIA 2025! Each Vendor will introduce themselves and welcome members to the conference! Don't miss this great break in the EIA schedule or the fabulous giveaways provided by these supporting organizations!
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Tuesday Lunch Table Topics!
Ready for some more one-on-one with our speakers? Our Tuesday lunch will feature the opportunity to have a more intimate discussion with our EIA and ABRA experts. Each lunch table is assigned a session topic and will feature a continuation of the technical session discussion. Get there early so you get a seat with the speaker of your choice! Only seven seats per topic!
Want to feature your company at one of our tables? Sponsor a table for just $350...then take advantage of the opportunity to decorate your table with company swag, colors, and decor! Want details? Email info@eia-usa.org.
Tuesday Evening – EIA Annual Social Event – Margaritaville
EIA Goes to Margaritaville! No one walks away from this event a stranger, and the 2025 EIA Annual Social Event will be a highlight of an outstanding conference! Show out, dress up in your finest hawiian shirts, and arrive to walk the red carpet Jimmy Buffet style! Join us for the best party of the year! The EIA Awards, dinner, music, and some of the best company you can find will make this the best party you'll attend all year! This event is included in your Conference Registration and will welcome EIA and ABRA participants, alike!
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
EIA Roundtables & Technical Committee Meetings:
- Indoor Air Quality
- Contractors
- Sampling & Analytical
- Asbestos
- Lead
- BioRecovery - Ask the Experts
Join us for an exceptional opportunity to ask questions and receive answers from colleagues and regulatory representatives, featuring an added BioRecovery Roundtable for our ABRA attendees! Join us for fantastic industry discourse at the Asbestos, IAQ, Lead, Sampling & Analytical, ESA/EMS, and BioRecovery Roundtables to gain valuable information on trends and issues in the industry. Join an EIA Technical Committee to expand your Association participation, publish articles, and help steer the future for EIA and your industry!
Keynote Address - Captain Sandy Yawn
Evaluation of Combustion-by-products in Wildfire Impacted Indoor Environments - Tianbao Bai, Eurofins CEI, Inc.
A Comparison of the Wet Wipe and Tape Lift Methods for Sampling Surface Char in Properties Impacted by Wildfire Smoke - Franco Seif, Clark Seif Clark, Inc.
Fast and Accurate or Fast and Cheap, Rapid Biochemical Methods for Microbial Detection in Buildings - Lisa Rogers, Mycometer, Inc.
Statistical Analysis of Historic Lab Data for the Presence of Actinolite, Anythophyllite, and Tremolite - Stephen Ellis, Terracon Consultants, Inc.
Understanding the GSA Order Results, Data Trends and Mitigation Strategies - Robert DeMalo, Pace Analytical Services
Myths, Mysteries, and Mistakes with Lead and Healthy Homes - Michael Sharp, Janus Corporation (Secretary/Treasurer, EIA NorCal Chapter)
Lead with Purpose: Boldness, Vulnerability, and Authenticity in Leadership - Danaya Wilson, BetterCertify
Hidden Hazards in Museum Collections - Brandy Howard, Terracon Consultants, Inc.
Review of new IICRC Safety and Health Field Guide for Restorers - Leslie Anderson & Barry Rice, IICRC
An Innovative Approach for Successful Lead Exposure Prevention Messaging: Introducing Happy, Healthy, Lead-Free Me! - Gail Gettens, NH DHHS Division of Public Health Services
“How Clean is Clean”? Revisiting the “No Visible Dust” Criterion! - Martin Rutstein, Ecological Consulting & Management Services, inc.
Lead, What Rules and Regulations are All Out There? - Andre Zwanenburg, The Asbestos Institute
DEI - Courtney Enderle, CSP, The EI Group
Asbestos Types Dimensions and Frequencies in Digested Tissue from Individuals with Asbestos Related Diseases - Lee Poye, VP Emeritus Eurofins J3 Resources
DoD SkillBridge Program: Industry Partnerships to Support Transitioning Service Members - Dr. Taheesha Quarells, Department of Defense, Military-Civilian Transition Office
Lead Poisoning in Wisconsin - A Case Study: Why Every State Should Be Concerned - Rocky Everly, MidWest Certified Training, Inc/Milwaukee Lead/Asbestos Information Center
Mental Health and Psychological Safety - Peter DeLucia, and Michelle McIntyre
Front End of Crime Scene Cleanups - Dennis M. Sullivan, Jacksonville Sheriff's Office
Silica, the Other Asbestos - Ryan Whitney, Environmental Forensic Consultants, Inc.
Write a Mold Assessment Report, Not a Data Report - Joe Spurgeon
Beat the Heat: OSHA’s Proposed Heat Stress Standard, National Emphasis Program & Florida’s HB 35 (Heat Illness Prevention Bill) - Protect Your Workers, Protect Your Business - Michelle McIntyre, MPH, CIH, CSP, CIEC, CHSP, PHSM, Terracon
20 Years of Bio Recovery - Tom Licker, American Bio Recovery Association
Understanding Florida's Homeowners Insurance Crisis - Adam Ogilvie, ORC Services, Inc.
2025 – FIRE & WILDFIRE GET HOT - Cole Stanton, Restoration Crosscheck
Women's Committee Panel Presentation - Courtney Enderle, CSP, The EI Group; Michelle McIntyre, MPH, CIH, CSP, CIEC, CHSP, PHSM, Terracon; Lisa Rogers, Mycometer; Sarah Jamieson, EMSL Canada; Moderated by Alicia Coley, Terracon; Renee Rubner, Greenville Tech; Morgan Ryan, Intertek-PSI
The Impact of Recent Supreme Court Decisions on Environmental Law, Evidence, and More! - Michael Rubin, Ogletree Deakins
20 Years of Bio Recovery - Tom Licker, American Bio Recovery Association
An Innovative Approach for Successful Lead Exposure Prevention Messaging: Introducing Happy, Healthy, Lead-Free Me! - Gail Gettens, NH DHHS Division of Public Health Services
Please note that all registration cancellations will be subject to a $100 processing fee. No refunds will be processed after February 19, 2024.